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Health Care

Access to Healthcare is a basic Human right but a lack of access to affordable, quality healthcare disproportionately affects the poor, women, and the less educated. 51% of households in nepal have to walk over 30 minutes to reach a government health facility. This distance greatly affects the health outcomes of  these vulnerable groups.

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Making healthcare Accessible


Uphill Both Ways has been working with Siddhi Memorial Women and Children's hospital since 2012. With the help of their medical professionals, we have been able to organize six medical outreach camps where full medical teams were deployed to remote areas to provide free medical care to anyone in need. The health camps have also provided basic first aid and illness prevention training for women in remote communities. Other initiatives include the supply of hand sanitizer throughout the hospital to prevent the spread of infections, supplying emergency medical supplies in the wake of disasters, and, with the help of Rotary International, funding the construction of a Covid-19 isolation ward

healthcare in nepal


Healthcare in Nepal is often unequally distributed, with healthcare resources centralized within the country’s major urban centers. Nepal also has a shortage of doctors and healthcare providers, with just 0.7 physicians per 1,000 people (World Bank). This is well below the global average of 1.6 physicians per 1,000 people. The unequal distribution between urban centres and rural communities, and a lack of health workers hinders the quality and accessibility of healthcare provided to the vast majority of Nepalis.


Much of rural Nepal is located in hilly or mountainous regions. This rugged terrain, and lack of proper roads and facilities makes receiving hearth care highly inaccessible, especially to those whose mobility has been affected. In many villages, the only mode of transportation is by foot. This results in a delay of treatment, which can be detrimental to patients in need of immediate medical attention.

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